ERGT are oil and gas safety training specialists. They offer an extensive range of courses with real-life emergency scenarios which include oil and gas fires. However they required a way to capture and clean the smoke and bi-product. We designed and carried out the installation of the scrubber ducting modifications. So this way we were… Read More »
Chiller and BMS – Building Management Systems
This is one of many building that we look after in West Perth, with regards to service and maintenance. It has two Carrier air cooled DX Chillers on the roof. These are used as lead and lag in summer and then generally the main Chiller does not start during winter. The system has a 10,000… Read More »
Wet Scrubber – Exhaust to Atmosphere Is Clean and Green
This is what is called a Wet Scrubber. It job in life is to remove particulate from the air before it is released into the atmosphere. This one removes B class smoke which is produced when you burnt oil or kero. The Scrubber has a massive fan attached that moves some 9000 l/s of air… Read More »